CENDI - SPERI. MODEL of DEVELOPMENT 1995-2005-2015-2025
“Sharing with indigenous minority people but without valuing their cultural identity and unaware of their rights to Effective Participation in any Decision Making Processes would mean to double our Guilt we cause to these peoples and would create a new form of poverty” - Tran thi Lanh - 1992
Mekong context
• Value crisis and dilemma of existence
• Social disparity & poverty structure
• Biodiversity degradation & monoculture
• Environmental polluted & industrialization
• Indigenous Ethnic Minority is dependency
• Young generation identity is vulnerability
•Distrust Society today?!
• Between Government and Citizen?!
• Between Business Company and Producer?!
• Between buyer and seller?!
• Between Old and Young?!
• Between Student and Teacher?!
• Between neighbor?!
• Everywhere/thing is number one. Buy two get one free1