SPERI final concept note of the international conference on GNH and LISO
In order to promote alternative and holistic ways for human development, the conference organizers believe that existing practices and experiences need to be linked with each other and exchanges facilitated for cross-learning and mutual inspiration, reassurance and support. Thus, the idea was born to organise a sharing of ideas and experiences between indigenous minority peoples from the Mekong region and the people of Bhutan, Oceania and Latin America.
The conference is aimed at building a strong connection between the Livelihood Sovereignty Alliance (LISO) of the Mekong region, The Gross National Happiness Centre of Bhutan, the Buen Vivir (good Living) initiative in Latin America, and the Self-reliance movement in Oceania, with the aim of expanding an understanding among people of the nature and linkages between different initiative throughout the world toward an alternative approach to human development for communities and nations. Thus, it seeks to contribute to bringing about changing in the understanding and attitudes of decision takers in development across the world.