Key Farmer Monitoring and Evaluation Assembly-PME (PLANNING MONITORING EVALUATION) 2020-2030
For CENDI, visionary Planning is about achieving the long-term objectives of the programme. It also means, giving thought to all of the efforts and energy, intellectual knowledge, human resources, time and money of the programme, and how at the end of 3 or 5 years when the program is ended, it can measure by very detailed and specific indicators what has been achieved. The indicators of achievement of long-term objective must be specific and measurable and reflect in specific, detailed and concrete ways changes of behaviour, which in turn reflect the whole process of changing attitude toward building what is stated at the long-term objective.
For CENDI, the long-term vision and objective of our work is to change the behaviour, attitude and vision of government authorities, policy-makers and policy implementors toward the indigenous community social-economically, ecological cultural politically. Changes in behaviour lead to changes in attitudes, changes of attitude lead to changes of habit, and changes of habit contributing to changes of vision. This is the process that needs to be mapping, planning and analysing for later monitoring and evaluation.
Behaviour, attitude and vision indicators are needed to show how, over 3 years, the resources provided by the programme or project donor have achieved the project objectives. For example, where the government policy-makers have written that indigenous people living in the forest are backward or superstitious, dirty or stupid, and need to be ‘washed’ by bringing them civilization, you need to be able to show how after 5 years CENDI, by bringing the policy-makers to the field has changed their understanding and attitude. For example, from the government point of view, one indicator of ‘backward’ and ‘dirty’ is the use of cow and buffalo manure in composting for soil fertilization, and that people should be using ‘modern’, chemical fertilizers. To counter this attitude you need to demonstrate that according to the knowledge and values of indigenous people, the use of cow and buffalo manure in composting is not dirty, but is part of the natural cycle of organic processing according to both the scientific principles of ecology and the beliefs of indigenous people in nurturing nature as well as the wisdom of indigenous people in their ways of farming. In fact that it is far cleaner, more advanced and more ecologically sound that the application of chemicals promoted by agrobusiness.
Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, as defined by CENDI, is built into its Theory of Change for changing the behaviour, attitudes and vision of those in power.